Nice news about “Shadowdrop”

I’m delighted to see my novella “Shadowdrop,” from Beneath Ceaseless Skies issue 261, is showing up on various end-of-year recommended reading lists, such as at

Tangent Online, Featured Futures, and Quick Sip Reviews.

It seems that fantasy and science fiction novellas are becoming more popular as a form, and it’s exciting to be a part of that.

Thank you to everyone who’s read the story, special thanks to anyone who reviews it       (whatever you think), and happy new year to all.

New stories

Hi — It’s been a while! I’m very pleased to announce two recent stories:

“What Lies In Ice” is an action-packed new Gaunt and Bone story in Tales from the Magician’s Skull, published by Goodman Games.

“Shadowdrop” is a standalone novella set in Gaunt and Bone’s world. You can read it for free at Beneath Ceaseless Skies.

Many thanks to the mighty editors Howard Andrew Jones (minion of the Skull) and Scott H. Andrews (servant of the Skies) for all their advice and encouragement.


Trolls and raiders and dragons, oh my!

Just a quick note to say the third Gaunt and Bone novel, The Chart of Tomorrows, is on sale. This one wraps up a trilogy concerning our heroes’ rather difficult quest to retire from adventuring and raise a family. Along the way they will face dangers inspired by Scandinavian history, mythology, and folklore. Oh, and did I mention that steppe nomads are invading via balloon? This story takes us into epic fantasy territory, but Gaunt and Bone, in true sword-and-sorcery style, mainly just want to survive with their family intact as the world teeters on the brink.

Corrections and congratulations

Reader John Banister points out that the author’s note on distances in The Silk Map has things exactly backwards — a li is usually assumed to be around a third of a mile, not three miles as the note states. The map in the book, and the text as far as I can tell, follow the rule of a li being a third of a mile. But, embarrassingly, the author’s note is out in front saying something different.

I apologize for this glaring error. I hope it doesn’t hurt anyone’s enjoyment of the book.

Speaking of the map, John Banister also notes it’s possible to expand the view on the Kindle version: “To zoom the map, hold your finger on it until the magnifier icon appears, and then tap that icon. Also, images have more contrast at higher brightness settings.” Many thanks to Mr. Banister for both comments.

I also want to share the happy news that Kerem Beyit has just won a Chesley Award in the category of “Best Cover Illustration: Paperback Book” for his wonderful cover for The Scroll of Years. I still remember my first reaction to seeing that artwork, which was that I merely wrote about that world, while Kerem had obviously been there. Congratulations to Kerem and to all the winners and nominees. See:

A map for The Silk Map

Below is the map drawn by master cartographer Rhys Davies of Gaunt and Bone’s world, or at least a good portion of it. I’m delighted by how his art transformed my scribbles into something that looks more like a real, albeit fantastical, place. (Thanks to Rhys for the file.) The map appears, appropriately enough, in The Silk Map, which went on sale this week.

SilkMap 3


The Chart of Tomorrows

The Chart of Tomorrows by Chris WillrichThe Chart of Tomorrows

Gaunt and Bone find themselves at the heart of a vast struggle — and their own son is emerging from that conflict as a force of evil. To save him and everything they know, they turn to a dangerous magical book, The Chart of Tomorrows, that reveals pathways through time.

Learn more »

Purchase The Chart of Tomorrows from these online retailers:

Indie Bound | Books Inc. | Kepler’s BooksBarnes & Noble

The Dagger of Trust

Pathfinder Tales: The Dagger of Trust by Chris WillrichPathfinder Tales:
The Dagger of Trust

When a magical fog starts turning ordinary people into murderous mobs along the border, it’s up to Gideon Gull and a crew of daring performers to solve the mystery before both nations fall to madness and slaughter.

Learn more »

Purchase The Dagger of Trust from these online retailers:

Indie Bound | Books Inc. | Kepler’s BooksBarnes & Noble

The Silk Map

The Silk Map (Gaunt and Bone 2) by Chris Willrich

The Silk Map
A Gaunt and Bone Novel

Coming May 2014 from Pyr Books: At the end of The Scroll of Years, the poet Persimmon Gaunt and her husband, the thief Imago Bone, had saved their child from evil forces at the price of trapping him within a pocket dimension. Now they will attempt what seems impossible; they will seek a way to recover their son.

Learn more »

Purchase The Silk Map from these online retailers:

Books a Million | Indie Bound | Books Inc. | Kepler’s BooksBarnes & Noble

The Scroll of Years

The Scroll of Years by Chris Willrich

The Scroll of Years
A Gaunt and Bone Novel

The first Gaunt and Bone novel from Pyr Books. Gaunt and Bone find themselves fleeing from assassins, all the way to the Far East of their continent.

Learn more »

Purchase The Scroll of Years from these online retailers:

Books a Million | Indie Bound | Books Inc. | Kepler’s BooksBarnes & Noble


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